
Free Flow Toll

Free-flow and integrated toll system

The leading offer for the French market, in partnership with Q-FREE

Drawing on its experience in the toll sector, FARECO has developed an efficient barrier-free toll solution.

In this type of tolling system, also called Multi Lane Free Flow, vehicles circulate non-stop, and the lanes are not channeled by obstacles (no island, no barrier). Vehicles can even change lanes.


Unlike a Stop & Go type toll, the Free Flow toll equipment is:

  • either on a gantry (5.5m from the ground for larger trucks): remote badge readers (D.S.R.C., R.F.I.D.), context camera, plate recognition camera, radars/lidar, lighting, dynamic signalling, speed detector
  • either on the sides (which is a problem if there are more than 2 channels): optical bars for classification, height cells, laser/lidar
  • either in the ground: Inductive loops, Piezo sensors, magnetometers, treadles (axle detection pedals)

Vehicles are controlled but pass freely. The basic data collected (telebadge, license plate, physical characteristics of the vehicle) are processed on an Operational Back-Office (B.O.O.) server, which characterises authorized/unknown vehicles in relation to information from a Commercial BackOffice (B.O.C.) who manages subscriptions.


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